Monday, August 9, 2010


Its monday & its the day when i go to the gym to exercise off the monday blues.

Yes its monday, means there only one more day till the Hillsong day =DD [i call it Hillsong day cause yeah going for the seminar too xD] OH & thanks to my music teacher, i read the whole registration code e-mail & discovered that i get a free wristband & goodie bad =D yes, go read ur registration code e-mails *makes shoo-ing gesture*

I'm still sick D= but i guess its better, at least i can talk now. Its just that one sentence consisting of 5 words is followed by a whopping string of 20 coughs. Whichisaboutfourcoughsforoneword, BUT ANYWAY that doesnt matter. *exhales*

Yes i noe i sound high at the moment & yes i am, i blame the half of a slice of cake my mom gave me. Its Secret Recipe's White Chocolate Macadamia cake, got it from aunt's bday celebration yday. Parents & i bought her a cake since her *coughs* busy children can't come back to Ipoh. But she had a great time yday anyway, cause she had us [parents & i + her husband =D]

Anyway yeah, guess thats all form me now. Shall blog tmr =)
[i have now made it a point to post smth at the end of my blogs, sometimes it could be for somebody or it could be an ordinany thing =)]

Yes, I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all...

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