Saturday, December 19, 2009

I'm far to ditzy to grasp the subtleties of mockery

Sarcasm side kicking in. So yeah

"I'm in awe of your ability to detect sarcasm"

[we all know it ;)]

"My weapon of choice: sarcasm" "Mine's sarcasm, what's ur superpower?"

[if and when someone u dislike asks you] :
Q: What time is it?
A: Oh its about..half past FUCK YOU :)

"My soul was removed to make way for all this Sarcasm" ;)

[i should print this onto a real badge]

[be honest. u've never done that when listening to ur realtives talk]

"Sarcasm. Because argueing with stupid people's just so boring"

"Sarsasm: the fine art of offending stupid people without them noticing"