Sunday, May 30, 2010

Currently doing my assignment on abortion. & i came across this:


by unknown.

Mommy? Can you hear me? I'm not very old, so you probably can't. But If you can, I love you, Mommy. I love you for bringing me here, In your soft and cozy womb. I think I'll fit here perfectly for a while. Until it's time to get out.
Mommy? Can you hear me? I'm getting quite big, don't you think? You found out about me today, and you seemed a bit annoyed. Why, Mommy, why? Maybe you just need time to get over the shock? I love you, Mommy.
Mommy? Can you hear me? I sure can hear you! You yell a lot, and many people yell at you. I won't yell at you when I'm out of this place. All because I love you, Mommy.
Mommy? Can you hear me? I hear a lot of new people, People who aren't saying things I understand. Things like abortion and gone. What do those words mean, Mommy? I still love you Mommy, no matter what they may mean.
Mommy? Can you hear me? Something isn't feeling right. What are you doing to me? Mommy, I love you! But do you love me, too?
Mommy? I know you can't hear me, cause I'm all the way up in Heaven. Mommy, I still love you. But sometimes It may be hard to believe. I understand now what you did to me, But sometimes I wonder if you made the right choice. Did you Mommy, Did you?

Ahh it really breaks my heart thinking about this. Now, I noe that ur prolly thinking "what if it happened to u?" & my answer'd be. 'I'll blog about it after my assignment k? Promise ;)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Is that what u really think of me? Am i that ugly of a person?
I noe its irrational to think of it that way. But really. I cant help it.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Kyle Kingsbury, you are beastly. -Beastly
Kyle Kingsbury learns, that not everything in life can be bought with money. Especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

Okay, i noe im supposed to be studying for my end of term exams. But i couldnt help but to read Beastly by Alex Finn all thanks to Hui Zie for showing me the trailer & later on telling me its a book. Not saying that i'm complaining abt reading the book though & i definitely wanna watch the movie.

Briefly, Beastly is a modern day Beauty & the Beast, it even has the magic mirror & the witch turning him cause of his cold-heartedness. If you've watched Beauty & the Beast then you'd understand. The author says its more of another french film, but yeah i dnt rmbr what its called. One thing good about this book, its not all that fictional. As in, it's kind of down to earth cause yeah Kyle Kingsbury's dad is really really rich. So. Yeah. In this world, as long as u hv money most things're possible, no?

Overall i really like the book & i am waiting anxiously for the movie to come out. I seriously hope the movie doesnt suck cause really. Its a good book.

I miss you...

Monday, May 24, 2010

I hv decided...

Okay, so i'm on year 10 third term & its a little late/ But i finally noe what im gonna do when i finish igcse. What am i doing? Social science, majoring in psychology =D Yes. After countless months & finally getting to sit down with my parents to talk about it i hv come to a decision.
I'm not really sure what typr of psychology i'm gonna take yet, i'm gonna see what are the types exactly first. Ahh i feel much better now that i noe what i wanna to =DD

Production's coming up & my group's DONE with the song =DD they wanted a good show by us. & we're gonna give them one ;) but after production's the one thing i've been waiting for, for a long time.
IIS PROM. & who's in charge in organizing it? Why, the prefects of year 10. Of course ;P I'm really excited about all this, seeing its this current batch of year 11's that mean most to me as to compared to the other year 11s.
Oh today, Mrs Shan told Jasmin & i the best news we've heard yet. 'Cause Jasmin, Niki & i agreed on having a fashion show again this year. So far there're 6 girls. Mrs Shan told us Chic & Sleek agree on making the dresses again for this year & the person in charge wants 6 girls! How awesome is that? =DDDD

Anyway, guess thats all from me =)
-still waiting for June 11th '10-

Friday, May 14, 2010

Back from the dead? Maybe.

Ooh wow. It seems i've been neglecting my little bloggie here havent i? So sorry bloggie *strokes computer*.
Anyway. Let's see, how my life's been so far. Um, hectic, boring, hectic, slow, hectic, great oh and did i mention hectic? yes, year10's finally starting to kick into full gear & honestly. I'm pretty scared at the pace its going at. I'm pretty scared at myself as well. For one thing. I've actually been doing my homework. As in at home & not in school. SHOCKING, no? Another thing is, Mrs Sevilla pointed out that we look much older now. As in compared to Year 9 she said we look older. Which just resulted to her feeling ancient xP but hey, can't blame her for pointing that out. Year 10 is a very big leap.
Ah i miss the old days. When homework was writing alphabets or, better yet, no homework at all! =D problems were way, way, WAY simpler last time to. Example? Um.

Teen problems:
Creditless phones, HOMEWORK, HOMEWORK DEADLINES, bitchy ppl.

Children problems:
Should i eat the lolly now? Or later? *pauses* i think i'll just eat it now so that i wont hv to carry it *opens wrapper & eats lolly* gosh that was so much of thinking. *wipes 'sweat' off forehead*

Pain has a new definition as well.

Teen pains:
Heartaches, heartbreaks, cramps. & also pain in the asses xP

Children pains:
*falls down* i got a boo boo! *frowns*
Yeap, hence the quote :
"I wish i could turn time back to when my biggest pain was a scrapped knee"

Oh yeah, life sure was easier when we were kids. Kids dnt judge how a friend is gonna be like by the size of their "bumps" but cause they actually take time to get to know and enjoy the company of the other. Kid's innocence is very eye opening at times. Ah but well. We'll all hv to move on still =)

Guess i've blogged [or crapped] enough for now. Till next time x)

Friday, May 7, 2010


Just now, my dearest friend, Regine, gave me the link to this site called gives me hope. And its got really, touching stories. Its like the opposite of fml.

Here are some of the stories i like so far :

My 14-year-old brother is mentally retarded and only has the mind of a 3-year-old.
Every time I cry in front of him, he brings me a Kleenex without being asked to. If I'm too upset to take it, he shoves it in my face as an attempt to wipe my tears himself.
He GMH everyday

I saw on the news about a 95 year old female going to her first prom.
Who is taking her? Her great grandson.
His unconditional love GMH.

Today was the first time I'd ever flown by myself.
As I was sitting at my gate, I was approached by an old woman holding a stuffed animal. She asked me if I was traveling by myself and then proceeded to hand me the bear -- so I "would never have to travel alone."
Her love for strangers GMH.

Yea, i noe some of the stories can hv other stories in ur small little minds but just. yeah. Just go to the site k? And read with an open mind. It doesnt take up much energy.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Currently LSSing to.

Goodbye Girl - David Gates
All your life you've waited
for love to come and stay
and now that I have found you
you must not slip away.

I know its hard believin'
the words you've heard before,
but darling you must trust them just once more.

'Cause baby, goodbye doesn't mean forever.
Let me tell you goodbye doesn't mean we'll never be together again.
If you wake up and I'm not there I won't be long away
'cause the things you do my goodbye girl
will bring me back to you.

I know you've been taken
afraid to hurt again.
You fight the love you feel for me
instead of givin' in.
But I can wait forever,
a-helpin' you to see
that I was meant for you
and you for me.

So remember goodbye doesn't mean forever.
Let me tell you goodbye doesn't mean we'll never be together again.
Though we maybe so far apart, you still would have my heart.
So forget your past, my goodbye girl 'cause now your home at last.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Many people ask "what is love?" well. Love is a word that is often overused. When someone says "I love those shoes" they don't literally mean they "love" the shoes. They just like them. Our generation has told too many people "I love you". People say it like it's nothing. Just something that you are "supposed" to say. It begins to lose its true meaning. No one understands what love really means until they meet that one person that you want to be with every second of every day. The one person that could make you fall apart. The person that can control your mood. The person that, if they died, you wouldn't know how you were going to go on. The person that can make you smile when you want to cry. The person that no matterhow much they have hurt you, you still want them, & couldn't imagine being without them. The person that when just imagining who they have been with & what they have done with them could just bring tears to your eyes. Some people mistake that if you love someone, everything has to be perfectwith them. That you will never fight, never argue. No. That just appears to be love, & what we want tobelieve is love. When you love someone, you are with them through thick & thin, the good & thebad. So when using the word "love", think about it. Don't just say it because you think it's the right moment to say it, or because you thinka you are supposed to say it. Say it, because you mean it.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

i find this true & not true at the same time xP ahhhh well.