Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Kyle Kingsbury, you are beastly. -Beastly
Kyle Kingsbury learns, that not everything in life can be bought with money. Especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

Okay, i noe im supposed to be studying for my end of term exams. But i couldnt help but to read Beastly by Alex Finn all thanks to Hui Zie for showing me the trailer & later on telling me its a book. Not saying that i'm complaining abt reading the book though & i definitely wanna watch the movie.

Briefly, Beastly is a modern day Beauty & the Beast, it even has the magic mirror & the witch turning him cause of his cold-heartedness. If you've watched Beauty & the Beast then you'd understand. The author says its more of another french film, but yeah i dnt rmbr what its called. One thing good about this book, its not all that fictional. As in, it's kind of down to earth cause yeah Kyle Kingsbury's dad is really really rich. So. Yeah. In this world, as long as u hv money most things're possible, no?

Overall i really like the book & i am waiting anxiously for the movie to come out. I seriously hope the movie doesnt suck cause really. Its a good book.

I miss you...

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